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Technical Analysis

Top 10 Wheat-producing Countries in the World

Wheat is a staple food for millions of people around the world. It is the third most produced grain globally, after corn and rice, and it is the second largest grain produced worldwide for human consumption.

Global Wheat Production by Country (2000 – 2020)

Due to its immense importance in the global food system, any impact on major producers, such as droughts, wars, or other events, can affect the entire world.

Below is an image by Kashish Rastogi that provides a detailed overview of global wheat production over the past 20 years by country.

Source: Visual Capitalist

According to data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), although more than 80 different countries produce wheat worldwide, the majority of production is concentrated in just a few nations.

Here is a list of the top 10 wheat-producing countries globally based on total production from 2000 to 2020:

Source: Visual Capitalist

China is the world's largest wheat producer, having produced a total of 2.4 billion tons of wheat over the past two decades, accounting for approximately 17% of global production from 2000-2020. Most of the wheat produced is used to meet the country's growing food demand. China is also the largest wheat consumer in the world, accounting for 19% of global consumption.

India is the second-largest wheat producer globally. Over the past 20 years, India has produced a total of 12.5% of the world's wheat. Like China, India uses most of its wheat to satisfy its massive food requirements.

The third-largest wheat-producing country in the world is Russia, which is also the largest wheat exporter. In 2021, Russia's wheat exports were valued at $7.3 billion, accounting for nearly 13.1% of global wheat exports.

According to the World Economic Forum

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