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Opening Account
Information required for opening account

Customers including individual customers and corporate customers need to submit all documents and complete the following information:

For Individual customers:
  • ID card/passport

  • Phone number, Email

  • Bank account information

  • Customer signature

For Corporate customers :
  • Business license

  • Company email phone number

  • Bank account information

  • Company representative information includes: ID card/passport, phone number, email

The set of respective agreements for opening a trading account (TKGD) at SFVN includes:
  • Account opening registration contract

  • Risk identification information disclosure

  • Registration form to use CQG trading platform, M-System

  • Agreement to trade goods online

  • Spread and LME trading appendix (if any)

Procedure to Activate Live Trading

After KYC is completed and account has been approved, customers will be provided with an account number to trade:

  • Download and install CQG trading software

  • Deposit to trading account through SFVN. (Note that SFVN as a Trading Member of MXV does not hold your funds. SFVN will be transferring all funds to MXV’s customer margin account for the account of all our respective customers.)

  • CQG login ID and password will be sent via email to customers after successful deposit.

  • Log in to CQG, change your password for the first time and start trading.

  • Monitor margin rates

See detailed instructions for using the trading software here

This field is followed by the Instructions for opening and closing accounts published by MXV
Opening Account
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