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SFVN accompanied the Augustino volunteer group to give 300 gifts to children in the Central Highlands

6 tháng 7, 2024

The meaningful gifts of SFVN Investment Corporation contribute to bringing a warm atmosphere to ethnic minorities in difficult circumstances in the Central Highlands in general as well as children in Phong village in Dak Mon commune, Dak Glei district, Kon Tum province in particular.

This July, SFVN Investment Corporation donated and supported the Augustino Volunteer Group to give 300 gifts to children in the highlands, where life is still difficult and lacking. Not only containing necessary items: Kinh Do pastries, candy, cakes, Fami canned milk, backpacks, pens, and notebooks—each gift also represents SFVN's spirit of "the leaves protect the tattered ones".

We believe that, every pleasant smile that an ethnic person in Phong village gives is a priceless gift that inspires SFVN to continue working toward creating a community characterized by compassion and love. We would like to send our sincere thanks to the Augustino Volunteer Group for supporting SFVN in giving 300 gifts to children in the highlands.

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